For Composers

Flute - Level 4

READ THIS FIRST: Notes to Composers 


General recommendations:

Speed: Slow to allegro

Length: 36-100 bars

Rhythm: Complex meters; triplets and 8ths in same piece (though not same time); beginning complex rhythms (no cross rhythms – 2 against 3 etc.); Simple hocket okay.

Playable Notes and Skills
  • Middle C to B2 or C2. 
  • Leaps of an octave.  
  • All major scales.  
  • Perform basic double tonguing for short periods of time.  
  • Good dynamic and pitch control.
Things to Avoid
  • Leaps over an octave.
  • Rapid leaps.
  • Extended fast passages with too many accidentals.

Flute - Level 5

READ THIS FIRST: Notes to Composers 


General recommendations:

Speed: Slow to Allegro

Length: 200 measures (including multi-movement)

Rhythm:  complex rhythms, but still no cross rhythms.

Playable Notes and Skills
  • Entire range of flute.  
  • Major and minor scales.  

Double and triple tonguing for more extended time

Things to Avoid
  • Rapid leaps.
  • Fast chromatic passages with varying intervals.
  • Extended techniques such as multi-phonics and flutter tonguing. 

Guitar - Level 1

READ THIS FIRST: Notes to Composers 


General recommendations:

Speed: Slow to Moderate

Length: 16-24 bars

Rhythm:  Simple duple and triple meter; mostly quarter- and eighth-note rhythms; no dotted rhythms; no triplets; no 16ths; no syncopation; no hocket or other complex rhythmic devices; no fast lines or repeated notes for more than a few notes; no long periods of rest.

Playable Notes and Skills
  • (General note: The guitar is written in the octave treble clef (notes are written an octave above sounding. The open strings are E, A, D, G, B, E)
  • Natural notes on top 4 strings (D’-G”), bass E and A open.  
  • A minor and E major chords (strumming only).
Things to Avoid
  • More than one fretted note at a time (other than listed  chords).  
  • Eighth notes at speeds over quarter=100.
  • consecutive notes that must be played legato with the same finger on different strings.

Guitar - Level 2

READ THIS FIRST: Notes to Composers 


General recommendations:

Speed: Slow to Moderate

Length: 16-36 bars

Rhythm:  Simple duple and triple meter; no compound meter; some syncopation okay; 16ths Okay; no fast lines or repeated notes for more than a few notes; no long periods of rest; players should enter on a strong beat after a period of rest.

Playable Notes and Skills
  • All first position natural notes (though notes in leger lines are more difficult to read quickly - better done as repeated or held notes)
  • Can strum 5 major chords (AEDGC) and 3 minor chords (AED).   
  • Simple ascending 3 note arpeggios okay as long as each note is on a different string.
  • Leave plenty of time if changing more than 1 finger in a chord.
Things to Avoid
  • Stretches between fingers.
  • Fast notes of any kind.
  • Louder dynamics
  • Moving between the lower three and upper three strings quickly.

Guitar - Level 3

READ THIS FIRST: Notes to Composers 


General recommendations:

Speed: Slow to Allegretto

Length: 24-48 bars

Rhythm:  No fast lines or repeated notes for more than a few beats; more unusual meters okay; syncopation okay; 16ths okay.



Playable Notes and Skills
  • 3rd, 5th and 7th positions okay at slow speeds.
    1st position range: E3 to G5
    2nd position range: E3 to A5
    3th position range: E3 to Bb5
    5th position range: E3 to C6
    7th position range: E3 to D6
  • Extended techniques such as Bartok pizz., plucking strings above the nut, golpe (drumming) and tambour all pretty easy given time to adjust back to normal.
    For special effect, the symbol on a score is an X and a vertical line below it. 
  • Moving a fingering shape to different parts of the fretboard is relatively easy.  
  • Ascending, descending and alternating finger arpeggios okay at slow speeds.  
Things to Avoid
  • Large stretches between fingers.  And stretches when more than 2 fingers are in use.
  • Changing more than 2 fingers in a chord quickly.
  • More than 2 positions per piece.
  • Flat keys.
  • Legato scale passages.
  • Fast stepwise movement of more than 3 notes.

Guitar - Level 4

READ THIS FIRST: Notes to Composers 


General recommendations:

Speed: Slow to allegro

Length: 36-100 bars

Rhythm: Complex meters; triplets and 8ths in same piece (though not same time); beginning complex rhythms (no cross rhythms – 2 against 3 etc.); Simple hocket okay.

Playable Notes and Skills
  • Faster arpeggios, 
  • More complex strumming patterns.
    This refers to more complex rhythmic patterns when strumming the chords.
  • Glissandi.
  • Slurs and short trills okay.  
  • Partial bars okay (up to 3 strings).
    This refers to chords that consist of 3 to 6 notes.
Things to Avoid
  • Large stretches between fingers and stretches when more than 3 fingers are in use.
  • Scales at moderate to fast tempos.  
  • Quick chord changes
  • Quick or consecutive position shifts.

Guitar - Level 5

READ THIS FIRST: Notes to Composers 


General recommendations:

Speed: Slow to Allegro

Length: 200 measures (including multi-movement)

Rhythm:  complex rhythms, but still no cross rhythms.

Playable Notes and Skills
  • Scales becoming easier.  
  • Some ability to reach larger stretches with 2 fingers, small stretches with 3 fingers down. 
  • Full bars okay for short periods of time.
    6 note chord
Things to Avoid
  • Quick chord changes.
  • Fast scales.
  • Quick or consecutive position shifts.

Piano - Level 1

READ THIS FIRST: Notes to Composers 


General recommendations:

Speed: Slow to Moderate

Length: 16-24 bars

Rhythm:  Simple duple and triple meter; mostly quarter- and eighth-note rhythms; no dotted rhythms; no triplets; no 16ths; no syncopation; no hocket or other complex rhythmic devices; no fast lines or repeated notes for more than a few notes; no long periods of rest.

Playable Notes and Skills
  • Five-finger position starting on a natural note. 

  • Two-note chords, preferably 5th or smaller in each hand.

  • Clusters.

  • Legato (on single note lines only).

Things to Avoid
  • Position shifts.

  • Pedaling.

  • Different articulations between the hands (no melody and accompaniment, no legato and staccato at the same time).