Instrument Level Violin - Level 4
READ THIS FIRST: Notes to Composers
General recommendations:
Speed: Slow to allegro
Length: 36-100 bars
Rhythm: Complex meters; triplets and 8ths in same piece (though not same time); beginning complex rhythms (no cross rhythms – 2 against 3 etc.); Simple hocket okay.
Playable Notes and Skills
- Can play 2nd and 3rd positions on all strings.
- E string: G, A, B, C (G#, A#,B#,C#) (2nd position)
- Can play in keys up to 4 sharps and 4 flats.
- Longer slurs okay.
- Double stops with at least one open string.
- Spiccato okay for quarter and eighth notes.
- Vibrato
Things to Avoid
- Quick or consecutive position shifts.
- Fast string crossing back and forth between strings.