Instrument Level Piano - Level 3
READ THIS FIRST: Notes to Composers
General recommendations:
Speed: Slow to Allegretto
Length: 24-48 bars
Rhythm: No fast lines or repeated notes for more than a few beats; more unusual meters okay; syncopation okay; 16ths okay.
Playable Notes and Skills
- Three note chords within a 6th with a maximum of one black key per hand.
- Scales up to 4#’s may be played slowly.
- Simple cross hand arpeggios beginning on a natural note.
- Melody with half note accompaniment.
- Parallel thirds legato in one hand.
- Simple mixed articulations.
- Legato pedaling on long notes.
- Glissandi OKAY.
Things to Avoid
- Quick pedal changes.
- Quick chord changes.
- Quick position changes.
- Consecutive position changes (unless they are small)
- Fast repeated notes.