Instrument Level Flute - Level 2
READ THIS FIRST: Notes to Composers
General recommendations:
Speed: Slow to Moderate
Length: 16-36 bars
Rhythm: Simple duple and triple meter; no compound meter; some syncopation okay; 16ths Okay; no fast lines or repeated notes for more than a few notes; no long periods of rest; players should enter on a strong beat after a period of rest.
Playable Notes and Skills
- Middle C to C3.
- Intervals up to 5ths.
- C, G, F, and Bb scales.
- Read music with up to 3 sharps and flats.
- Mixed articulations.
- Some dynamics.
Things to Avoid
- Sustain over 4-8 seconds
- Slurs over 4 notes
- Louder dynamics in the lowest range, softer dynamics in the highest range.