Instrument Level Flute - Level 1

READ THIS FIRST: Notes to Composers 


General recommendations:

Speed: Slow to Moderate

Length: 16-24 bars

Rhythm:  Simple duple and triple meter; mostly quarter- and eighth-note rhythms; no dotted rhythms; no triplets; no 16ths; no syncopation; no hocket or other complex rhythmic devices; no fast lines or repeated notes for more than a few notes; no long periods of rest.

Playable Notes and Skills

Range from F above middle C, to G an octave above, natural notes.   

Things to Avoid
  • More than 1 or 2 accidentals per piece (they probably have not encountered accidentals in their method books, but are capable of learning them).
  • Slurs of more than 2 notes.
  • Breaths over 4 seconds.
  • Slow tempos.
  • Dynamics.