Instrument Level Cello - Level 3
READ THIS FIRST: Notes to Composers
General recommendations:
Speed: Slow to Allegretto
Length: 24-48 bars
Rhythm: No fast lines or repeated notes for more than a few beats; more unusual meters okay; syncopation okay; 16ths okay.
Playable Notes and Skills
- 2nd and 3rd positions, (allow plenty of time to shift between the positions).
- A string: 2nd position: C, (C#), D, Eb (E), 3rd position: D, Eb, E, F
May extend up with the 4th finger to expand the position by a half step.
Things to Avoid
- Bows over 6 seconds.
- More than 2 positions per piece.
- Slurs over 4 notes or that involve a string crossing.
- Double Stops